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Meet Anne Marie

“To say it has been an ordeal would be an understatement,” Anne Marie told us recently, when discussing the condition she has lived with for the last three decades. “But the care I have received has been second to none.”

When Anne Marie was in her 30s, she started having dangerous episodes in which she suddenly couldn’t breathe. Out of nowhere, she would go into a pulmonary edema. It was like she was drowning. Immediate medical attention saved her life on more than one occasion. But doctors were at a loss as to what was causing her episodes. Eventually, they figured out that the tiny air sacs in her lungs were spontaneously collapsing, triggering severe and life-threatening reactions.

Early on, Anne Marie was put on oxygen therapy and introduced to ProResp.

“ProResp is always good to me,” Anne Marie told us, reflecting on her run as one of the company’s longest standing clients. “They’ve been so helpful and supportive with any assistance or apparatus I have needed. We’ve been together 30 years, so whenever a new piece of technology came out that might make my life a little better, they were always there to make sure I had it. They really allowed me to live a normal life—as normal as I could hope for, at least. And they’ve always made sure I can travel, with an oxygen set up always waiting for me in the hotel room. They even got special liquid oxygen tanks to allow my husband and I to go camping,” Anne Marie recalled.

Anne Marie’s episodes now only occur every few years and are usually triggered by a flu or other ailment. It’s taken a toll over the years, doing damage to her heart and lungs. But her spirit is unbroken. “Ten years in they told me it was improbable that I should be alive. Here we are, all these years later, and I am not going anywhere,” Anne Marie declared.

We’re in your corner, Anne Marie, and so inspired by your resilience and the gratitude you show in the face of adversity!


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