Women Walking to GROW was started in 2017 to raise money and awareness for Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), a global economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty. MEDA’s Greater Rural Opportunities for Women (GROW) project aims to help women and girls in the developing world, while also promoting leadership opportunities. With Global Affairs Canada matching donations, Women Walking to GROW helped raise over one million dollars in 2017 for women and girls in Ghana.
Miriam Turnbull, ProResp’s Vice President and General Manager, and Elaine Shantz, past COO of peopleCare Inc., joined forces to trek the entire 900 km Bruce trail. For the final 100 km, they were joined by colleagues and other leaders from Ontario’s long-term care sector.
In 2018, the GROW project supported the Nigeria WAY with a 100 km trek of the Bruce Trail, and will continue in July 2019 with another 100 km trek. Join us on the trail this year for a challenging and rewarding hike! Come connect your body and mind to nature, and your heart to women and girls living in Nigeria. To learn more about Women Walking to Grow visit the website.

ProResp is a proud sponsor of the annual Docs on Ice hockey tournament. We were the Title Sponsor of the 2024 tournament that took place in Ottawa on April 11-13. A Over 800 physicians and medical school students participated in the three-day tournament, supporting local charities while playing Canada’s favourite winter sport.
The annual tournament raises money to support community charities and programs. ProResp is proud be part of the Docs on Ice success story and the legacy created in communities across Ontario.